Sunday, November 27, 2011

Short & Sweet Messages from "New Era" Website

"One woman is helpful; ten women are influential; one hundred are powerful; one thousand are invincible” (Better Than You Think You Are‍ [2005], 8).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkeys Gobble

I am so grateful for all of my blessings. I"ve been blessed with a lovely family and group of friends. I have the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to share this with all I know. I'm glad that I am able to feel the Spirit. I'm grateful for all the gifts that God has given me. I really hope I can fulfill the tasks that I am meant to. I am excited to see how my life turns out. I pray for the Spirit's guidence in my life that I may know His will. I'm grateful for lemon poppy seed muffins I can make for my friend who's been upset a lot lately. He's been going through some problems and I'm glad I can help him. I pray through me he'll feel the Spirit in me and know I have something to be desired.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


They say it's as a mustard seed,
"If planted, it shall grow."
I see much more than this,
A feeling not my own.
To grow, you can't just plant a seed,
It take water, food, and soil.
For this reason, not for just a season,
But all my days, I'll toil.
To hear the Living Water's words,
To stand firm in thought and deed,
But most of all soak up the Son,
For love and righteous living.