Friday, March 22, 2013

Scholarship Essay #2

                According to a study conducted by US Consumer Product Safety Commission found that in 1999, 800 students ended up in the emergency room due to overly heavy backpacks (qtd. in  These were just students that ended up in the emergency room. Many students experience back pain that goes undiagnosed and untreated or isn’t serious enough to land one in the emergency room. Ways to prevent back injury are ensuring proper fit of the backpack, teaching proper lifting techniques and encouraging students to complete homework at school as much as possible without interfering with other school work or positive social interaction. Another measure that schools have started investigating is the usage of online textbooks.
                I believe that online textbooks would be beneficial to students’ physical well-being because instead of lugging around a backpack with five heavy textbooks, one could simply carry a Kindle or other similar device. I believe that these online resources should still have clear section headings and links to the individual headings to allow for convenient studying and locating abilities. It would also allow navigation to be easier.
                When I was in fourth grade, local college student came to my school to conduct a study. These students found that the backpacks of these nine to ten year old children sometimes weighed over twenty percent of the individual child’s weight. This is over the recommended limit of carried weight by a large percentage.
                As long as there are not any negative effects on the eyes of the students, I see no reason that e-textbooks should not be implemented into schools nationwide. As long as the student can be trusted with a Kindle or other e-reader, individual  books cannot be lost as is possible now. E-books will be extremely beneficial to students everywhere.

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